Search Results
Flashes of X-ray light as companion signals of LISA massive black hole coalescences
Athena X-ray Advances: ACO Science Webinars. Monica Colpi (16/11/2023)
Prof. Lucio Mayer - The pathway to massive black hole mergers in the landscape of galaxy formation
360 Elizabeth Ferrara NCA Using Pulsar Timing Arrays to Detect Supermassive Black Hole Mergers
Predicting the Transient Signals from Galactic Centers: Circumbinary Disks and Tidal Disruptions...
Chiara Mingarelli - Probing supermassive black hole mergers with pulsar timing (January 22, 2019)
2019 Paul D. Bartlett, Sr. Lecture - Cosmic Tremors: The Quest for Colliding Black Holes
New windows to the universe - The discovery of gravitational waves
On the AGN origin of gravitational wave sources observed by LIGO/VIRGO
"The New Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy" Tiffany Summerscales (November 3, 2017)
Alex Filippenko: Einstein's Magnificent Detection of Gravitational Waves
Schrödinger Lecture: Sascha Husa - Gravitational Wave Astronomy